With more than 6500 Scientific Terms and 200+ Science Experiments from various fields like Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Computer Science, Environment Science, Mathematics, Biology etc. This Basic Science Dictionary- Terms & Definitions App will sure cement your basics of science from elementary level to professional level. Apart from Science Experiments and Projects, this Basic Science Dictionary App will help you to know lots of Scientific Facts and Scientific Formulas. This app is full of numerous QUIZZES to brush up your knowledge and challenge your learning.This Basic Science Dictionary App is divided into following categories-• Physical Chemistry• Analytical Chemistry• Organic Chemistry• Biochemistry• Inorganic Chemistry• Photovoltaic & Photonics• Nuclear Chemistry & Crystallography• Cell Biology• Mechanics & Thermodynamics• Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics• Genetics• Microbiology• Anatomy• Botany• Units and Measurements• Environment Biology• Atmospheric Chemistry• High Energy Physics• Computational & Mathematical Physics• Cosmology & Geophysics• Taxonomy• Materials Physics• Medical Physics• Zoology• Nanotechnology• Endocrinology• Solar Physics• Biophysics• MiscellaneousMain Features:-• Experiments - Wide range of Science Experiments in different categories.• EduBank℠ - Save most frequent terms you need.• Quiz - A Basic Science quiz which is less of test and more of fun.• Contribute - If you think something’s amiss, contribute it!Easy to navigate, simple to find experiments & definitions and fun to learn from. Install Basic Science Dictionary App today!We make SMARTY apps, “Simple Masterly Approach to Refine Thinking" for YOU.Connect with us on:-Facebook-https://www.facebook.com/edutainmentventures/Twitter-https://twitter.com/Edutainment_VInstagram-https://www.instagram.com/edutainment_adventures/Website-http://www.edutainmentventures.com/